Graphite "Cranberry" Gaskets

Frenzelit novatec 825F is a highly compressible, highly conformable, moderate density member of the novatec family. When compared to conventional fiber gasketing material, novatec 825F has a significantly higher resistance to temperature and media. The relatively high compression allows for outstanding conformability, adaptability and flexibility. With a 75% pure graphite content, it becomes the perfect solution for elevated temperature applications and poor or irregular flange surfaces.


 Specification: Value:
Materials Graphite with rubber binder
Temperature Minimum NA
Temperature Maximum 825° F
Continuous Temp Max. NA
Pressure Max. 1,500 psi
Density 62 lb./ft.3
Tensile Strength 600 psi
Compressibility ASTM F36 50%
Recovery ASTM F36 5%
Sealability F37B (Fuel A) .25 ml/hr